Saturday, September 1, 2007

New month

Today will start the first day of September of me and I'll be back to keeping good records. We are almost completely moved into the new house which means I'll be back to playing a decent amount more. I also bought a new laptop which rules :) First new update will be posted tomorrow.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I haven't played at all in the past few days. Moving has pretty much consumed everything. Painting sucks. I'm going to start keeping track again starting tomorrow and plan on keeping records for each week with daily updates. I might play a few games tonight to get back into it before tomorrow starts. That's all for now and here's hoping September is a very good month.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 2

I played a few games yesterday but ended with a frustrating three-game downswing. I played very poorly in the last game, but I guess it happens. I ended the day up a game minus rake. That's ok though. Probably no poker tomorrow as it is the big move-in day.

Daily profit: $32.50
Total profit: $1073.50

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Day 1 - New Week

Played for a little bit today and ended up about three games which isn't bad. Not exactly a perfect day but a day that ends up is a good one. I don't know how much I'll get to play today or tomorrow because we are moving into a new house which should prove to be a long time-draining process. It's exciting though and I can't wait to be all settled.

Daily profit: $127.50
Total profit: $1041 (happy about passing $1k)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day 7, Week 1 Wrapup

No poker again today. Had some school stuff to take care of and went to a show last night. This leaves me up a grand total of $913.50 for the week. Not bad at all in my first week, especially considering that I hardly played at all the last three days. I expect to pound it out this week and I want to at least break $1k this week in profits. Another goal is to be on the Omaha Headsup $36-$100 total profit leaderboard by the end of the week. This is definitely achievable and I want to have that pretty star next to my name :) That'll all for now and tomorrow I'll start a new week.

Daily profit: $0
Total profit: $913.50

Friday, August 24, 2007

Day 6

I played ten games yesterday: won 5, lost 5. Ten games is about half of what I usually like to play in a day. I just wasn't feeling it again. I'm gonna count these two days off as a little poker weekend and pick it back up today and this weekend as I won't have any class. In my calculations I figured that I should be able to make $1k a week even with taking two days off sometime during that week. It doesn't matter whether that comes in the middle of the week or on the weekend, so this time my two days were Wednesday and Thursday. It might change next week, and that's fine.

One exciting thing aside from poker is that I fill out my intent to graduate form today. I can't wait to finally be done with school and move on to the next phase of my life, whatever that may be. The meeting is at 2pm, so when I get home from that I should be charged and ready to put in a good session.

Daily profit: -$25
Total profit: $913.50

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day 5

For all intents and purposes yesterday was an off day. I played a few games and ended the day up a game. Still not bad, up about $40 for about an hour of poker. Some days you wake up and just don't feel like playing I guess. I did mess around with a few $10 HORSE and Razz games for fun. I feel like I'm a very strong Hold'em and Omaha player but need to work on my Stud games. I want to become a well-rounded poker player and I know that I can learn to be tops at any of these games. Just for the record though, I personally feel that Razz is a boring game. There's something about fixed limit games in the HU SNGs that bores me to death. It's still fun to mess around though. I plan on playing for at least a little bit today and would like to put up a decent profit. I couldn't be happier with my results so far though.

Daily profit: $41
Total profit: $938.50